Feather Mites

Feather Mites are Chorioptes mites that live on horses legs and feed on dead skin cells.

Heavier types of horses are more at risk, i.e. Shire horses, Fresians and Cobs.

Mites are mostly spread by direct contact from horse to horse. The life cycle of a the chorioptic mite is 3 weeks on a host and they can live for up to 69 days away from a host.  It is therefore, vital that when you begin treatment you should also disinfect everything  that has come into contact with the infected horse, I.e. grooming, kit, rugs, tools and equipment. You can use Rebel Diamite for this.


Stamping of the feet and biting at the legs.

Extremely itchy legs.

Scratching and rubbing on fences and posts.

Broken skin.

If left untreated the skin thickens and can form deep folds, this is usually caused by self trauma..


Do not wash the legs.

Apply Rebel Diamite using gloves and the pad provided, morning and evening for one week.  Then apply once a week for 3 weeks.  If Symptoms reoccur then repeat the process. 

For stabled horses:  Apply Rebel Diamite with the pad provided making sure the legs are thoroughly covered and then bandage and leave overnight for 2 nights.  Repeat process 1 week later.