
Lice are parasites that live on the skin under the horses coat, mane and tail.

There are two types of lice, Damalinia, bites and chews on dead skin and the other, Haematopinus sucks the blood from the host.

Lice are transferred from horse to horse by direct contact or through shared equipment, i.e. brushes, rugs and to


Itching - Rubbing on fences, Stable walls, trees.

Irritated skin

Raw patches on the skin.

Rough hair, dull coat.


Underweight, poor condition.


Apply Rebel Diamite powder for 3 consecutive days to all affected areas using gloves and the pad provided. It is important to make sure the powder penetrates to the skin.  Disinfect all equipment that has come into contact with the infected horse, including bedding,  this can be done with Rebel Diamite.